Tag Archive for: hcg diet

HCG Injections, time to get out of those sweatpants

Funny how “stay at home” turned into “stay close to anything salty, sweet, gooey or otherwise fattening”. The world has been scary. Food has been soothing and comforting. Exercise went out the wayside for millions. The “Quarantine-15” became the meme of the moment–those 15 pounds or even more that showed up not only on the scale, but around your middle. Sweatpants became the fashion of the day. Zoom meetings meant only meeting from the waist up. Which meant the sweatpants could stay on. But it’s time to face your skinny jeans in the closet and facing that unwanted weight gain. Fortunately, HCG Injections are able to help.


HCG. We’ll save you the time trying to figure that out. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is a human growth hormone, a chemical messenger that aids metabolism, cellular regeneration, immune, brain, libido, and other vital functions. Maintaining adequate HGH levels is crucial for a healthy mind and body. Just as an interesting aside, it is a hormone found present at high levels in early pregnancy. In 1954, it was proposed to be a weight loss tool for both men and women.


HCG helps you lose weight? Yes, it does.

HCG reduces appetite and curbs hunger so you eat and snack less? Yes, it does.

HCG resets and boosts metabolism helping you lose large amounts of fat quickly and safely without losing lean muscle mass? Yes, it does.

And what it also does is inject you with energy and an overall improved sense of wellbeing. Oh yes, bring it on.


HCG injections when combined with a sensible weight loss diet can help you lose up to a pound a day. That’s right, a pound a day. HCG diets aren’t about counting calories, points or carbs. Or adhering to a diet that just doesn’t do it for you. It’s all about what is right for each individual. What works for them, not just in terms of weight loss, but in terms of their lifestyle, preferences and food tolerances. Keto. Paleo. Intermittent fasting. With HCG and a little willpower, they’ll work. At Thrive Health Solutions they’ve been helping patients lose weight with GCG injections for years. In addition to other diet plans, Thrive has their own HCG diet plan that allows 1,200 nutritious calories per day. Which still lets you lose up to a pound a day.

What deprivation?


Only HCG injections have been shown to adequately raise blood levels of HCG. Any other way of taking HCG, such as drops, pills, or sprays, are likely dissolved before ever reaching the blood, and they do not raise blood levels. This would be like taking nothing at all.

Even more important to note, is that while you might find HCG injections online or over the counter, you can’t count on them being safe. Buying these products can put you at risk and jeopardize your health. The label may claim to contain certain ingredients but the product may not actually contain those ingredients. There is no oversight or laboratory testing.  And the product may even come from another country.


Why do so many peoples struggle with weight loss? Food is supposed to be good for us. Nourish us. Fuel our bodies to work the way they’re supposed to. But food has also become our tempters, lovers and at times, even enemies. We live in a world where perfection is held in often unnatural esteem. We spend millions in pursuit of weight loss, striving for Marvel Hero bodies. There are social media filters galore putting out images few can truly attain. Our cultural obsession with thinness gives rise to all or nothing thinking. Which has given rise to what can only be considered an epidemic of eating disorders. At least 30 million people of all ages and genders are affected by an eating disorder of some type. In every case, it’s a world of secret suffering seeking even the smallest amount of weight loss.


You see someone who seems to be all skin and bones and think; “anorexia”. You’re probably right. The term “anorexia” is derived from two Greek words, usually translated as “without appetite” — but that is something of a misnomer. Patients do not lose their appetite; they struggle to subdue it. Anorexics tend to unfavorably compare themselves to others, label every food as fattening, and catastrophize about weight gain. If they gain a pound, it’s the end of the world and nobody will like them. As a result, they starve themselves and to the point that they put their lives at risk. In the most severe cases, patients develop life-threatening complications, such as cardiac arrhythmias, kidney failure, and liver failure…all for what? Weight loss?


Another food obsession; but unlike anorexia, bulimics tend to binge on large amounts of rich, calorie laden foods and then engage in behaviors to purge this food from their body. These behaviors can include self-induced vomiting or misuse of over the counter laxatives. Side effects of bulimia may include an inflamed and sore throat, swollen salivary glands, worn tooth enamel, tooth decay, acid reflux, irritation of the gut, severe dehydration, even strokes or heart attacks.

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weight gain

You’ve had weight loss. You’ve had weight gain. Doesn’t matter how much, you’re pretty happy with yourself. The scale isn’t your enemy anymore. Then suddenly, it seems (actually, it isn’t so sudden) the number on your scale inches up as the inches on your body expand. You shouldn’t really be that surprised. Once you’ve hit your goal weight and decide you’re “off” of your diet, the weight is going to come right back. You loosen up on healthy behaviors and dig into foods that previously had been on the no-fly list. Rice cakes give way to creamy risotto, steamed veggies give way to fried anything. The common thinking is that once you’ve lost the weight, the hard work is over. If you begin to beat yourself up and feel like a real failure, you’re in good company. Estimates suggest that anywhere from 80 – 95 percent of people who lose weight gain it back.


Even worse than losing weight is when you have weight gain. When your weight has more ups and downs than a hotel elevator. This is what is called yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling. Apropos, as it’s a cycle of discontent. You find your closets have a range of sizes hanging woefully on the rods, your “skinny” jeans rotating with your “fat” jeans. If you need a good example of yo-yo dieting, just look at Oprah Winfrey, queen of the dieting roller coaster. Her 40-year weight loss struggle has played out on tv and covers of magazines for the world to see. She’s accomplished amazing things but keeping her weight off isn’t one of them. While being overweight often comes with some health issues, yo-yo dieting can lead to muscle loss, a higher body fat percentage and even an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and higher blood pressure.


Without question, the show “The Biggest Losers” was an astounding winner. People watched with awe, both mesmerized and inspired. But get this; researchers from the National Institute of Health followed 14 contestants who had participated in the “Biggest Loser” reality show. During the 30 weeks of the show, the contestants lost an average of over 125 pounds per person. But in the six years after the show, all but one had weight gain. They gained back most of their lost weight (some even more), despite continuing to diet and exercise.


Sometimes regaining weight you’ve lost isn’t all your fault. As soon as you start losing weight, your body suddenly wants it all back. It can’t tell the difference between intentional weight loss and being struck by famine. It immediately goes into protective mode, lowering your metabolism and stimulating your appetite to preserve fat stores. Then there are hormones that can wreak havoc on your efforts to avoid weight gain. Your fat cells make a hormone called leptin. It tells your brain when you have enough fat stored up. As you lose weight, less fat means less leptin. That makes you hungry. And that can make your cravings skyrocket.

STAY A SUCCESS STORY If you want to lose weight, and more importantly avoid weight gain, fad diets or nothing but egg whites and lettuce leaves simply aren’t going to work. So, what are you supposed to do? A good place to start is at Thrive Health Solutions in Denver, CO. Thrive offers a doctor-supervised, integrated medical weight loss program uniquely designed to help you lose weight without feeling deprived. Thrive’s weight loss options include pharmaceutical HCG, custom-compounded fat-burning lipotropic injections, B12 injections and FDA approved appetite suppressants. When combined with a variety of diet systems like Paleo, Keto, intermittent fasting or Thrive’s proprietary weight loss diet, you can lose from ½ to 1 lb daily. Want to see what results like this look like? Just check out our “before and after’s” page. Make an appointment at Thrive to find out all your weight loss options. Find your own happy “after”. And stay there.